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Wellbeing Wednesday - Results Announced...

04 May 2022

 Wellbeing Wednesday
Results Announced!


On Thursday 28th April 2022, we celebrated our 3rd Benevolence Day and focused on 'Equality'. We concentrated on equal opportunities for girls and boys, in education and beyond. We learned that we can be anything we choose to be and our gender does not hold us back or decide the path we have to choose.

The new parklet has been installed by the Local Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham and we were given permission to name it - as the School is named after the famous French poet and screenwriter Jacques Prévert, we focused our learning on inspirational women who have made amazing contributions to modern life and then voted on which woman to name the parklet after. We also voted on naming the salle polyvalente after an inspirational woman.

The children voted and the results are in....

The parklet will be named - The Jane Goodall Parklet/Espace Jane Goodall


The salle polyvalente will be named - Salle Malala Yousafzai


We look forward to a naming ceremony and will share photos with you.

Best wishes, 

Mrs Getty.

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We would like to start an Alumni community.

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