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New Beginnings

07 Sep 2022

 New Term, New Beginnings 
Welcome back to a new year, a new term – a new beginning! We hope that you had a lovely summer and enjoyed some well-deserved rest and relaxation. School is buzzing again with pupils and staff excited to start a new year.
Change is both exciting and daunting – it is normal to feel anxious or be full of questions about what the day, week or school year has in store. We are here to support all children through this period of transition and equip them with the tools they need to succeed at school and fulfil their potential.

We would like to reassure parents that we have established a very nurturing and experienced team at JP who will help the pupils settle back into the school routine after the long summer break. School starts can be tricky for several weeks – it is a huge transition for little people but we are here to observe, help and guide anyone who needs a helping hand. 

Best wishes, 
Mrs Getty.
You’re off to great places, 
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, 
So….get on your way!
Dr Seuss

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Nous souhaitons créer une communauté d'anciens de l'école Jacques Prévert. 
We would like to start an Alumni community.

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