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Wellbeing Wednesday- World Mental Health Day 2022

05 Oct 2022

Monday 10th October 2022



The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on 10th October every year. The theme of 2022's Mental Health Day, set by the World Federation for Mental Health is 'Make Mental Health and Wellbeing for ALL a Global Priority'.

For over 70 years, the Mental Health Foundation has been working to make sure that mental health is treated on a par with physical health. Mental health problems exist in our lives, families, workplaces, schools, impacting everyone. We need to do as much as possible to prevent mental ill-health - as individuals and as a society. The MHF will continue to call on national and local government to prioritise reducing the factors known to pose a risk to people's mental health, enhancing those known to protect it and creating the conditions needed for people to thrive. 

12,000 Steps a Day in November Challenge - walk, run or stroll your way to better mental health for all this November. Take 12,000 steps a day and raise vital funds for the MHF - or just set yourself the challenge and see how good you feel. Walk to school, the office, the shops - it all adds up. 

If we can, children will always walk to local trips and attractions to save on travel but to also enhance their learning outside of the classroom. The benefits of getting out and looking up are widely known and getting there on foot furthers this. 

Prevention is better than cure - just like physical health. We want to look after our mental health and prevent more serious mental health problems from developing. See below for some reminders of the daily steps we can take - incorporating these habits in our day to day lives is the best way to make them part of our daily routine.

1. Get Closer to Nature - get outdoors and take it in, turn off your phone and look up. 
2. Learn to Understand and Manage Your Feelings - many of us know when we are upset but not be sure what we are feeling. Is it sadness, fear, shame, loneliness, anger or something else? Sitting with emotions and labelling them, talking kindly to ourselves can be really positive. 
3. Talk to Someone - at school we have been talking about trusted adults and who the children feel comfortable talking to either at home or at school - it is really important to have these people in our lives. A problem shared is always better.
4. Get More Sleep - early to bed, turn the screens off can have a huge impact on children and adults alike. 
5. Be Kind to Others - a smile is catching, you never know who needs one. A small but meaningful act of kindness to another is good for our mental health and theirs.
6. Keep Moving - get those steps up, go for a run or a cycle - feel good hormones are released that reduce stress and anger. 
7. Eat Healthy Foods - a balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables is essential for good physical and mental health.
8. Plan Things to Look Forward To.
9. Encourage Curiosity - learning new things expands our minds.

Best wishes, 

Mrs Getty.


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