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Wellbeing Wednesday - Getting Together Week!

19 Oct 2022

Wellbeing Wednesday 
Getting Together Week
Week Beginning 17th October 2022

We have been celebrating 'Getting Together Week' at school. The children have worked in mixed year groups on projects together, including story writing and reading, animation, drama, art, cooking and singing. We look forward to sharing the work with you.

We work incredibly hard on personal development at school, supporting children to work independently and collaboratively in order to achieve their very best. Supporting children this way is a positive, preventative step to support good behaviour, respect and awareness of how to enjoy your community and how to be resilient and overcome hurdles.

As our Ofsted 2022 report sets out, we think incredibly carefully about how to support pupil's academic and personal development through the curriculum. Educational visits and extra-curricular activities are a key feature of our work. We want children to be self-disciplined and responsible, highly motivated and excited to learn. Weeks like 'Getting Together Week' allow the teachers to further foster respectful, nurturing relationships with the children. Our aim is to ensure the children both trust and feel confident that teachers care about their wellbeing.

We wish you all a very happy holiday. Enjoy the break and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 7th November 2022.

Best wishes, 

Emma Getty

Deputy Head with responsibility for Language Learning, Safeguarding and Pastoral Care



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