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Wellbeing Wednesday - CM2 initiative to support Food Bank

07 Dec 2022

On Monday 17th October, the children had the opportunity to meet Phil Storey, the Foodbank Chief Executive Officer at Hammersmith and Fulham who came to talk about this wonderful charity.

Following his visit, the CM2 felt inspired to support Foodbank as part of a Christmas Project to help our community. A letter was sent out at the end of November providing further information. We would like to thank all our families who have already contributed generously by bringing food items to school.

If you haven’t had the chance to take part in this initiative and would like to do so, please see below a list of food supplies to be brought to school by the morning of Monday 12th December. All the items will be collected on that day.
Year Groups
Aliments demandés/Food items
Conserves de fruits / Tinned fruits
Conserves de fruits / Tinned fruits
Conserves de légumes / Tinned vegetables
Conserves de légumes / Tinned vegetables
Conserves de poisson / Tinned fish
Céréales / cereals
Lait longue conservation / Long Life Milk
Jus de fruits longue conservation / Long Life Fruit Juice
Confitures, miel / Jam, honey
Riz au lait, dessert / Rice pudding, dessert
Articles de toilette (dentifrice, shampooing, produit douche…) / Toiletries
Articles de toilette (dentifrice, shampooing, produit douche…) / Toiletries
With Christmas fast approaching, if you would like to donate more festive items, please take a look at the suggestions below:
- Chocolate biscuits
- Mince pies
- Christmas puddings (non-alcoholic)
- Gravy granules
- Cranberry sauce
- Peanut butter
- Christmas crackers
- Stuffing
- Chutneys
- Chocolates / Advent calendar chocolates
- Dried Fruit
- Branston pickle

CM2 are looking forward to helping the Foodbank volunteers load all the items onto the collection truck on Monday 12th December. The children should be commended for organising such a fabulous project for the community.

Many thanks to Evelyne Hagg who supported the children in enabling this initiative to come to fruition.

Best wishes,

Claire Weber

Deputy Head with responsibility for Language Learning, Safeguarding and Pastoral Care


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