The school

Our school development plan

03 Dec 2021

Our 2021-2024 school development plan

This SDP (School Development Plan) is developed by the school's educational community and approved by the AEFE Inspector of the school’s area to ensure its compliance with French rules (circulaire 90-039 du 15.02.90 Projet d’école). It is also approved by the school council concerning the pedagogical issues of this project and by the school board concerning all implications relating to the budget and the management of locally recruited staff. 

A project that reflects the school's DNA

This SDP is in line with the French national education programmes and the main pedagogical orientations of the AEFE network ("French educational excellence for all, based on strong human values", "language teaching and intercultural dialogue", "pedagogical axes of mutualisation and cooperation"). It builds on the characteristics of the school:
  • the very friendly and family atmosphere of a school on a human scale;
  • a particularly experienced and committed team of professionals who pay attention to the children and pupils;
  • quality teaching in French and English;
  • a digital school;
  • close collaboration with parents;
  • a wide range of extra-curricular activities (APEEF clubs, school clubs, partner cultural clubs);
  • a school that is a place for children to live (quality canteen and clubs).
Our SDP is deployed through all the teaching provided by the school in French and English and built on four main lines of development for projects and actions as well as means allocated by the school Board of parents:
  • Health and safety
  • Social skills and citizenship
  • Academic success
  • Openness to the world
It is also organised around actions and projects over a period of three years with annual implementation choices, agreed and regulated by the teaching team with the financial agreement of the school Board. It is updated each year according to specific objectives, actions and projects, implementation modalities, communication/promotion of projects and evaluation of actions carried out for the benefit of pupils and the school.

Finally, it involves the whole school in the service of the pupils, who are also stakeholders in the project: teaching and educational team, administration and maintenance, parents (parents' representatives and APEEF in particular), and based on the commitment of all and is organised under the responsibility of the headteacher.

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