03 Dec 2021
Providing a French education with a strong focus on English learning
The Ecole Française de Londres Jacques Prévert is a primary school that has received the approval of the French Ministry for Education (école conventionnée). Its curriculum adheres to the principles, programmes and pedagogical organisation of the French school system. The school’s offer is also consistent with the demands of the British school system, in particular through the in-depth teaching of the English language for all year groups.
A common knowledge base
French Education Nationale programmes ensure pupils acquire fundamental knowledge and skills, creating a common knowledge base. That base is built on five main pillars:
- Language to think and communicate
- Methods and tools to learn
- Development as a person and as a citizen
- Natural and technical systems
- Representations of the world and human activity
Simple and understandable, the programmes within the common knowledge base encourage success for all pupils and promote continual improvement in the quality of teaching. The conformity of the school’s curriculum is verified regularly by an AEFE National Education Inspector based in London.
Teaching in stages
In France and across all AEFE network institutions, teaching programmes are divided into stages.
At Jacques Prévert, children join us in Petite Section (nursery) which – along with Moyenne (reception) and Grande (primary year 1) Sections – is considered stage 1, “initial learning”. Stage 2, “fundamental learning” corresponds to CP (primary year 2) to CE2 (primary year 4). Stage 3, “consolidating learning” covers CM1 and CM2 (primary years 5 and 6). The first year of secondary school also falls within stage 3, and is intended to ease the transition to secondary education.
Glossary of primary school year groups
PS: petite section
MS: moyenne section
GS: grande section
CP: cours préparatoire
CE1: cours élémentaire première année
CE2: cours élémentaire deuxième année
CM1: cours moyen première année
CM2: cours moyen deuxième année
English: a special role at the Ecole Jacques Prévert
The English language curriculum, which is taught for 4.5 to 5.5 hours per week from nursery school onwards, is underpinned by thorough teaching of grammar and spelling. The phonic method is taught systematically from CP to CE2, and pupils read and write in English from CE1. From CM1 onwards, they are able to write both persuasively and informatively. All the children are regularly exposed to different literary genres in order to improve comprehension and build vocabulary. Certain subjects, such as science, are also taught in English.
Listening comprehension and speaking are also reinforced through other complimentary activities conducted in English throughout the week, such as Physical Education (PE) and many other bilingual projects and activities within the school.
This determinedly varied approach contributes to a fun, appropriate and progressive method of teaching English that enables pupils to study with success at both French and English secondary schools when they finish CM2.
> English teaching at Jacques Prévert