Why choose Jacques Prévert

Six reasons to select our primary school

Established in 1974, the Ecole française de Londres Jacques Prévert School, a member of the AEFE network, is one of the first French schools in London. This long history is testament to the robustness of a proven educational model, combining excellence and caring for pupils from nursery school to CM2 (Year 6). Based on the French National Curriculum and complemented by a high-quality English language teaching, our curriculum offers the best of French primary education in London, thanks to its openness to British culture and emphasis on digital, artistic and sporting activities. 

Discover the six assets that make our school unique in the landscape of French schools in London. 

The mission of Jacques Prévert is to equip each pupil with strong social, emotional and academic skills to enable them to pursue their secondary education with confidence in an international environment. 

1. Academic excellence 

In 2018, for the second time in a row, the British inspection body Ofsted reported the school as ‘Outstanding’. This reflects the high-quality teaching provided, excellent academic results as well as strong leadership from the school. It also underlines the school's focus on each child’s personal growth, development and success. At the end of their journey at Jacques Prévert, all our pupils gain entry to prestigious French and British schools such as the Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle, the Collège Français Bilingue de Londres (CFBL), the Lycée International de Londres (LIL), Latymer Upper School, London Oratory School and City of London School.
of Jacques Prévert parents recommend the school to others (source: Ofsted survey)

˃ Read the 2018 Ofsted report

2. All-rounded education

As a springboard to French or British secondary education, our school provides students with much more than academic learning. We are constantly seeking to open up new horizons for them, thanks to artistic and cultural, civic and sporting education programmes adapted to the pupils' abilities at each stage of their development. Classical teaching, including incremental and balanced learning of digital tools, is complemented during school hours by numerous projects: art workshops, circus, climbing, opera trips and much more. In addition, thanks to our parents' association APEEF, children benefit from an outstanding range of extracurricular clubs for a London-based school: more than 20 clubs including sports (football, tennis, karate, dance, playball, yoga...), arts and culture (visual arts, theatre and debates in English, choir...), but also coding, a cooking club, chess and even some daytime clubs during certain school holidays. 
The number of nationalities represented at Jacques Prévert. This diversity is celebrated through regular cultural events.

˃ Sports, arts and culture at Jacques Prévert

3. Immersion in the British culture

The teaching of the English language and openness to British culture and the English-speaking world are essential to the school's project. English learning is an integral part of the school's multilingual culture. It is used daily by the pupils, including in the playground! English classes are taught each day by native speakers in small groups of students, for more interaction and personalisation. Some subjects of the French curriculum are taught in English, such as science or moral and civic education. All pupils are taught in English in various sporting and cultural activities, such as swimming and circus, and bilingual projects are organised throughout the year on different themes such as education for sustainable development or children literature. To complete this proactive approach, we rely on the immense cultural offer of the city of London. Museums, monuments, shows... every year, from a very young age, our pupils discover the history and artistic wealth of the British capital during outings, workshops and interventions organised by the school. Finally, the outdoor classes, offered from Nursery school onwards, allow all pupils to discover and enjoy the English countryside.

The deliberately eclectic approach to English language learning enables pupils to develop the linguistic skills needed to acquire several languages during their primary school years, as well as solid English language skills that will allow them to excel beyond primary school.

˃ English learning at Jacques Prévert

4. Warm and family atmosphere

Located in Brook Green and its leafy spaces, our school was established almost half a century ago in a residential and family area, central and easily accessible by public transport. Thanks to its size, the proximity of its teaching staff and parents’ involvement in the life of the school, Jacques Prévert provides children with a warm teaching environment supporting their development and autonomy. The flexibility of the school allows it to support working parents by providing morning and evening clubs for parents to drop off and pick up their children outside school hours. Finally, the canteen offers a wide range of organic dishes prepared on site by our chef and his team - just like a family meal!

5. Parental governance

The school is managed by a Board of governors composed of volunteering parents. The School Committee, in which the teaching staff and leadership team also participate, involves families as well through their elected representatives to share their feedback and suggestions on the running of the school every term. This governance ensures that the interests of parents and their children are represented in all aspects of school life: safety and wellbeing, school meals, pedagogy, school fees, classroom refurbishments, IT tools...

˃ Jacques Prévert governing bodies

6. Competitive school fees

The school is a non-profit making organisation registered as a charity and run by an all-volunteer parental Board. This allows Jacques Prévert to offer competitive school fees for a London private school.

˃ School fees at Jacques Prévert



59 Brook Green
London, W6 7BE
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