

03 Dec 2021

What sanitary measures are you putting in place in response to COVID?  
Keeping all our children and personnel safe is our number 1 priority at the Ecole Jacques Prévert. We have put in place numerous barrier measures in order to minimise the spread of the virus. Pupils use hand sanitizer before entering the school building. Staff or visitors may wear masks or visors, frequent handwashing is encouraged, and the entire school is cleaned and disinfected. We also have a very strict protocol in place should pupils present symptoms of COVID while at school.
I registered my child with the Ecole Jacques Prévert, but due to unforeseen circumstances, he will not be attending. Can I get my deposit back?  
Unfortunately not. The deposit validates a new pupil’s acceptance of a place at the school. It commits the pupil’s parents to the registration of their child and allows us to plan the school’s budget, which is 100% used to run the school and maintain the quality of our teaching.

The deposit is refunded when a pupil leaves the school, provided that the school is informed of his/her departure by 30 April of that school year.

˃ Find out more about our policy on departures from the school
How many hours of English teaching do pupils have per week?  
All pupils receive between four and six hours of English per week. This time also includes a Non-Linguistic Discipline (Discipline Non Linguistique - DNL) or Teaching of a Subject in a Foreign Language (Enseignement d'une Matière Intégré à une Langue Étrangère - EMILE). This means that a part of the French programme is taught in English.
Outside the English Department, other subjects and learning sessions are taught in English, such as swimming, RSE, school visits etc.

The school has six native English-speaking teachers who teach English language along with certain cultural, historical and geographical topics.

˃ Find out more about how English is taught at the Ecole Jacques Prévert
What percentage of your pupils get into the Section Internationale du Lycée Français Charles de Gaulle?  
The vast majority – nearly all – of our pupils who apply for the International Section are accepted.
Is the Ecole Jacques Prévert managed directly by the AEFE network?  
No. Jacques Prévert is an accredited school, which means it has an administrative, financial and pedagogical agreement with the Office for French Teaching Abroad (Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger – AEFE ). But is not directly managed by the AEFE. This agreement provides a framework for conditions in which Education Nationale personnel are recruited and paid as well as the provision of subsidies.  

To find out more about French teaching abroad establishments and the various statuses they can have, please consult the AEFE website.
What is an “approved” (homologuée) school?  
All the establishments in the AEFE network are approved by the Ministry for Education Nationale, which means they deliver teaching that adheres to the principles, programmes and pedagogical organisation of the French school system.

The Ecole Jacques Prévert has been an approved school since its inception in 1974.
How many classes are there per year group at the Ecole Jacques Prévert?  
Jacques Prévert has one class in each year group at nursery school level (Petite, Moyenne and Grande Sections – nursery, reception and primary year 1), and two classes in each year group at primary level (CP to CM2 – primary years 2 to 6). This includes one mixed-year class of CMI and CM2 pupils (primary years 5 and 6). Depending on the year group, each primary class has between 20 and 26 pupils; nursery classes have 28 pupils. Each nursery class has both a teacher and a teaching assistant.
What is the minimum age children can start at the school?  
Jacques Prévert welcomes children from nursery level Petite Section . Children can start at the school the year in which they turn three.
When is the best time to submit an application?  
Since applications are dealt with in order of receipt within their priority groups, you should submit your application as early as possible. We accept applications from the year of your child’s birth.

Please note that, every year, the Ecole Jacques Prévert opens new places for nursery school Petite Section and primary school CP (primary year 2). For all other year groups, places are attributed as and when children leave the school and spots open up.
How do I register my child for the Ecole Jacques Prévert?  
Click here to find out how to apply and to access the application form
How many children are there at the school?  
Each year, around 260 children of more than 30 different nationalities attend the Ecole Jacques Prévert, all from a variety of backgrounds.
Do pupils have to speak French?  

No. All children are welcome at the Ecole Jacques Prévert, and they are not required to speak French to start at nursery level. It is, however, preferable for your child to have had some contact with the French language or to be familiar with it on a day-to-day basis, particularly if they are starting at the school at primary level. 

Learning French at nursery school makes it easier for children to learn to read and write once they get to CP (primary year 2). If needed, particularly on arrival, some non French speaking pupils can benefit from our special support programme called "dispositif FLSco" (Français Langue de scolarisation). 

Do you offer extra-curricular activities?  
Yes. Through our parents association, the APEEF, we offer the largest range of extra-curricular clubs of any French school in London. We have more than 20 clubs weekly, including sports (football, tennis, yoga, karate, handball, dance...), arts and cultural activities (English, debating, drama and fine arts), chess,  and some activities like coding, arts and multiplay during half term.

In addition, we offer pre- and after-school clubs with extensive opening hours (8 – 8.50am in the morning, and 3.30-5pm) to support working parents.

˃ Find out more about clubs and care at the Ecole Jacques Prévert 
I have three children at the school. Can I get a bursary?  
Applications for bursaries should be submitted to the French Consulate. They are means tested and can only be awarded to pupils with French nationality. 

For more information about submission dates for bursary requests, the application process, and conditions for eligibility, please visit the French Consulate website. 
What is the Charter for French Schools in London?  
The Charter for French Schools in London defines the rules for good conduct to be applied among all the French schools of London. It ensures the continuity of children’s education, from the time a pupil enters the network all the way through to terminale (6th form/final year of secondary school) and established the rules for the transfer of pupils from one French institution to another. 
Where do Ecole Jacques Prévert pupils go when they finish at the school?  
When they leave us, most Jacques Prévert pupils continue their secondary studies at the Lycée Charles de Gaulle. Some attend the Collège Français Bilingue de Londres (CFBL), the Lycée International de Londres (Winston Churchill), and the Ecole Jeannine Manuel.

Certain pupils choose to enter the British school system, while others go on to other schools in France or abroad.
Can I take a virtual visit of the school?  
Yes. Click here for a virtual visit of the school. 

As the protective measures against the pandemic have now changed, we are happy to resume school visits and to welcome future parents to our school. For more information, email us at

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