School Council

The School Council is a consultation body in French schools with decision-making powers. It unites representatives of the school community to examine the main issues arising regarding school life and the school’s major pedagogical choices. It allows parents to share their thoughts and ideas, and enables their elected representatives to participate in a collaboration that aims to develop the school for the good of the pupils.

Structure and operations  

The School Council of the Ecole française de Londres Jacques Prévert is made up of:
  • the head teacher, who chairs meetings;
  • teachers;
  • parents’ elected representatives (one per class, a total of 12 parents, all elected in the October of each school year).
All of these members have voting rights.
The Council also includes:
  • representatives of the Office for French Teaching Abroad (Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger - AEFE), specifically a French Education Nationale Inspector from the AEFE’s Northern Europe division;
  • representatives from the management board, specifically its chair or their representative;
  • a representative of the parents’ association (APEEF), specifically its chair or their representative.
These members participate in an advisory capacity.
With the Council’s approval, the Council chair can invite others to participate in a meeting if their input is considered pertinent to subjects on the agenda.
The School Council is put in place for the entire year and meets for regular sessions three times a year. It can also hold extraordinary sessions at the request of the Head Teacher or with the approval of half of the members with voting rights. 
Each meeting results in minutes that are reviewed and voted at the following session.

The School Council Minutes

 The role of the School Council

The School Council is a decision-making body for essential subjects relating to school life and the school’s major pedagogical choices.
In particular, the School Council:
  • approves the school rules proposed by the head teacher;
  • approves the school development plan put forward by the teaching team regarding all pedagogical proposals;
  • makes a proposal for validation by the AEFE regarding the school timetable and the calendar for the year;
  • is consulted on various projects and educational programmes, such as arrangements made for pupils with special educational needs, school trips, various prevention campaigns and questions relating to the health and safety of pupils and school meals, the participation of parents in school life, and the education programme for the teaching of sustainable development.
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> The Board of governors
Are you the parent of a Jacques Prévert pupil? 
Please do not hesitate to contact your representatives or class leaders for more information about the School Council or to ask questions and make suggestions regarding how the school operates.  

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