The school

Governing bodies

03 Dec 2021

Strong and dedicated parental governance

The Ecole française de Londres Jacques Prévert is a unique institution. It is approved by the Office for French Teaching Abroad (Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger - AEFE) but is also an independent, non-profit, parent-run school. Parents are involved at several levels: within the Board of governors ("Comité de gestion"), which handles the administrative and financial running of the school; as elected representatives within the School Council ("Conseil d'école"), which makes decisions about major aspects of school life and its pedagogical choices; and through the charitable association APEEF, which teams up with the school to organise numerous extra-curricular clubs and run events throughout the school year.  

Board of governors

As a charitable body, the school is a limited liability, non-profit organisation, run by a Board of governors made up entirely of parent volunteers. They are tasked with managing the school’s administration and finances in the best interests of its families.

The Board of governors

School Council

As an institutional consultation body, the School Council has decision-making powers. It brings together representatives of the entire school community to examine the main issues arising regarding school life and the school’s major pedagogical approaches, such as the school rules and the school development plan.

The School Council

In addition to the two main boards that run the school, there are also:
  • The AEFE, which enables the school’s French programmes to be officially recognised and offers expertise regarding teaching, continuing education for staff, recruitment of resident teachers, and financial support.
  • The APEEF, made up of parent volunteers, which significantly enhances the school’s extra-curricular cultural, linguistic and sports offer and provides support through the organisation of events. 
  • The Pupils' Council, which allows pupils from CE1 (primary year 3) to CM2 (primary year 6) to make their voices heard, sharing their ideas and thoughts on school life while learning about the democratic process. Section content text. Paragraph 2. 

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