Wellbeing Wednesday - Mai des langues 2023
03 May 2023
The whole month of May to celebrate languages and cultures of the world!
For its 3
rd edition, “Le mai des langues” chose an exciting theme entitled "Our languages and cultures on display, images beyond clichés". Images flood our daily lives and are the subject of a variety of educational uses. The image is an opening onto cultures, differences and a source of inspiration. We feel extremely lucky to have the opportunity to embrace this theme as it is broad enough to inspire all our students and will be an opportunity to build bridges with media and information education (MIE).
In order to celebrate the AEFE's Mai des Langues, Ecole Jacques Prévert’s teaching team has organised several events promoting languages and cultures. First, languages will be showcased in our plates, as every Friday, our Chef will cook special menus at the canteen that will tickle our tastebuds! There will also be some dance workshops, kamishibai storytelling, sign language practice and performance, poetry writings and recitals, interviews, multilingual displays around the school, and a lot more!
Happy May of Languages to you all!
Mrs Weber